[スケートボードの歴史]  [概要/問合せ]  [組織図]  [沿革]  [協会規約]  [会員規約]




60年代に入るとホイルの材質がゴムからウレタン素材に変わり、滑走性能が飛躍的 に向上した。日本でもサーファー達を中心に愛好者が激増しし、続に言う「第1次スケートボード・ブーム」が到来。

70年代は錆やすいボール・ベアリングに替わってシールド・ベアリングの採用で始まった。アメリカではブルース・ローガンやラス・ハウエルなのどヒーロー達が誕生、フリースタイルとスラローム系に加え、バンク・ライディングの要素も取り込み熟成 を進めていく。他にもクリス・ヤンデル、タイ・ページ、トム・シムスなど、時代を 飾る世界的ヒーローが続々と登場してくる。


76年夏に日本初の若者情報誌「ポパイ」が創刊。スケートボードは一気に日本全国 の若者達の必須アイテムに発展した。「第2次スケートボード・ブーム」が到来し、日本国内でも秋山弘宣・秋山勝利・西岡昌典、松本栄吉・田口政人といったヒーロー が続々と誕生していく。

79年5月には野末雅之氏の監修のもと「スケートボードは僕をロケットにしてくれ る」(鎌倉書房)が出版される。同年夏には渋谷・東急文化会館の屋上に「カリフォ ルニア・スケートパーク」がオープン。この時期を前後して日本各地に大小様々なスケート・パークが続々と誕生する。ピーク時には大型パークだけでも約20カ所も存在した。


しかし82年に始まったスノーボード・ムーブメントがスケートボードの方向性を変えていく。溝部薫、松島勝美、豊田貢といったトップ選手がスノーボード界でも活躍。 同様に古川勇はサーフィンで活躍。アメリカの雑誌「アクション・ナウ」の影響もあって、今で言う横乗り文化「アクション・スポーツ」というカテゴリーが誕生し、双方向で刺激しあい、競うように各分野で発展していく。












History of skateboarding in Japan and World

In early1940 in California, a piece of wood plate with metal door wheels said to be one of the origin of the skateboard. In the 50s, the Rollerderby started selling (Roller Surfing) a wooden board that had rubber wheels on, and this is said to be the first model of the skateboard we know today. In the 60s the rubber wheels turned into urethane wheels, and the skate population increased dramatically to be described as the first skateboard boom.

In the 70s, the ball bearing was replaced with the shield bearing which offered much better and reliable skating. In America Russ Howell and Bruce Logan became skate hero. Three main riding style such as freestyle, slalom and bank riding with skaters like Chris Yandel, Ty Page, Tom Sims and many others became well known.

By mid 70s, the American big wave finally landed Japan, and many regular parks and parking lots started to be filled with skateboarders especially in Harajuku in Tokyo. Japan’s first skateboard magazine<Popeye> published in summer of 76, which made the boom even bigger in Japan. The names like Aki Akiyama, Katsu Akiyama, Eikichi Matsumoto, Masato Taguchi were heard very often.

In May 79, a magazine written by Masayuki Nozue titled (Skateboard makes me a rocket) was published, and the California Skate Park was built on top of a Shibuya building in Tokyo as one of the very first parks. Within a short period of time, over 20 parks are opened in Japan.

1981 the All Japan Skateboard Association was found by Aki Akiyama consolidating multiple groups of skateboarders in order to effectively and systematically teach and improve the skaters in Japan

By Mid 80s, The Powell team with Steve Caballero, Mike McGill, Tony Hawk, Rodney Mullen became so big, and the trick era began. Ollie by Alan Gelfand, Mc Twist by McGill and Caballerial by Caballero, which became a standard trick in the snowboarding today. Incidentally the Japan Air was created by a French born in Japan and introduced to America by Caballero who had been in Japan and learned the trick.

In the late 80s, the short-skateboarding further evolved by a free style skater, Steve Rocco who turned himself into a street skater. At the same time, Christian Hosoi became a star collaborating music and fashion together with his charismatic look and performance influencing Japanese to start the third boom of skateboarding.

In the 90s, the street skateboarding became more pronounced style and many more complicated, technical and fun tricks were made by many skaters. A range of new tools and accessories were developed, and skate shoes and cool looking apparels became leading the city fashion. Collaborations of graphics and music became more popular creating the street culture/fashion stimulating over the Japanese youth

In 1994, taking the skateboarding overwhelmed in fashion and business, the association intended to re-build the skate scene in Japan by putting the fun of skating in up-front of anything else. After 40 years since the introduction to Japan, the skateboarding start having a stable status contrary to its past which had radical ups and downs in popularity.

In the 21st century, Japanese skater’s skill got so improved to be able to compete in the overseas contests though the skill gape is still large between America and other skaters.

Recently, many public skate parks are built by the local government. We foresee the trend will continue as the number of the skateboarders are growing among youth taking after their parents, and the skateboarding becoming one of the family sports.

In September of 2015, the skateboarding was nominated to be one of the additional games to the Tokyo 2020 Olympic game. The president of the AJSA (Mike Miyazawa) was appointed to the chairman of the Skateboarding Committee for the Tokyo 2020